Latest Past Events

Wylder Lectures

Albuquerque Marriott Hotel 2101 Louisiana Blvd NE, Albuquerque

The 2018 Wylder Lecture Series combines lectures, case presentations, and question and answer time for informal interaction with guest lecturers and peers in a one and a half day post-graduate […]

23rd Annual Mammography in Santa Fe

La Fonda on the Plaza 100 E San Francisco St, Santa Fe

Mountains, Mammograms, and Music This course is designed for radiologists who find themselves challenged by the new practical issues of performing successful high-quality breast imaging in a changing medical environment. This […]

Taos Writing Retreat

Mabel Dodge Luhan House 240 Morada Lane, Taos

Doctors, nurses, psychologists, physician assistants, ethicists, residents, medical students, other health professionals... Pursue your writing in an environment that provides maximum space for personal exploration and growth. Bring a desire […]