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The New Mexico Medical Society offers a free service to help New Mexico residents find a physician, based on the criteria important to you.

The physicians here are all members of the New Mexico Medical Society, a professional organization founded in 1886 for medical and osteopathic doctors in New Mexico. Our membership’s mission is to extend medical knowledge and advance medical science, elevate the standard of medical education, and uphold medical ethics.

Please use the search bar to search for a city, or a zip code, in order to find a physician near you or in a specific city in New Mexico. You can also use the Specialties dropdown menu to choose a physician that specializes in a field of practice.

To verify current insurance each physician accepts, please call their office phone number.

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W Knox Kinlaw

Work 1640 Old Pecos Trl Ste H HealthFront Santa Fe NM 87505 United StatesInternship Valley Med Ctr,Fresno, CA New Mexico United StatesMedical School Oregon Hlth Science U SOM; Portland; Oregon-1993 New Mexico United StatesResidency Same New Mexico United States Work Phone: (505)992-0233 Work Fax: (505)992-0609
Specialties: Emergency Medicine

Cheryl M Kirk

Work 460 St Michael’s Dr Ste 903 Santa Fe Pathology Services Santa Fe NM 87505 United StatesInternship Med U of SC New Mexico United StatesMedical School Marshall U SOM; Huntington; WV-1994 New Mexico United StatesResidency Carolinas Medical Center New Mexico United States Work Phone: (505)986-8620
Specialties: Pathology

Edward H Kleiner

Internship U of AZ Med Ctr, Tucson, AZ New Mexico United StatesMedical School U of Med & Dentistry of NJ-New Jersey Med School; Newark-’73 New Mexico United StatesResidency Same New Mexico United States
Specialties: Pediatrics

Wesley Klejch, MD

Work X-Ray Associates of New Mexico 8020 Constitution Pl NE, Ste 202 Albuquerque New Mexico 87110 United States Work Phone: 505-998-3096
Specialties: Diagnostic Radiology, Radiology (Diagnostic)

Dennis R Kloberdanz

Work 2300 E 30th St Bldg D Suite 101 Farmington NM 87401 Internship UNM Hosp Medical School U of Colorado School of Med; Denver-1983 Residency UNM Hosp Work Phone: (505)327-1400
Specialties: Orthopedic Surgery

Evan R Knaus

Work 2100 Louisiana Blvd. NE Suite 410 NM Orthopedics Associates Albuquerque NM 87110 United StatesInternship Medwestern U, Downers Grove, IL New Mexico United StatesMedical School Midwestern U-Chicago Coll of Osteo Med; Chicago; Illinois-2003 New Mexico United StatesResidency Northwestern U, Chicago, IL New Mexico United States Work Phone: (505)724-4300 Work Fax: (505)724-4384
Specialties: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Samara L Knight

Work 1001 Coal Ave SE Women’s Specialists of NM Albuquerque NM 87106 United StatesInternship UNM New Mexico United StatesResidency UNM New Mexico United States Work Phone: (505)843-6168 x3029 Work Fax: (505)247-9743
Specialties: Obstetrics and Gynecology

Kyong Y Ko

Work 460 County Line Dr County Line Medical Service Chaparral NM 88081 United StatesInternship Hsptl Gen de Ciudad Juarez, Mexico New Mexico United StatesMedical School U Auto de Ciudad Juarez; Chihuahua; Mexico-1995 New Mexico United StatesResidency Southern NM Family Practice Res, Las Cruces,NM New Mexico United States Work Phone: (575)824-5007
Specialties: Family Practice

Peter S Koenigsberg

Work 200 Rio Bravo Blvd SE DaVita Medical Group Albuquerque NM 87105 Medical School U of New Mexico SOM; Albuquerque-1996 Work Phone: (505)873-6400
Specialties: Family Practice

Alwyn A Koil

Work 8308 Constitution Pl NE Journey Pediatrics Albuquerque NM 87110 United StatesInternship UNM New Mexico United StatesMedical School Loma Linda U SOM; Loma Linda; California-2000 New Mexico United StatesResidency UNM New Mexico United States Work Phone: (505) 883 9570
Specialties: Pediatrics

Tobore G Kokoricha

Work PO Box 1137 Allen TX 75013-0018 Internship Hahnemann U Hsptl, Philadelphia, PA Medical School U of Jos; Fac of Med Sci; Jos Plateau State; Nigeria-1995 Residency Drexel U of Coll of Med, Philadelphia, PA Work Phone: (575)935-1625 Work Fax: (575)935-1626
Specialties: Internal Medicine

Robert C Kolosseus

Work 2545 Don Roser Dr Las Cruces NM 88011 Internship UNM Health Sci Ctr Medical School U of New Mexico SOM; Albuquerque-1995 Residency Same Work Phone: (575)522-7880 Work Fax: (575)522-7226
Specialties: Urological Surgery

Edward A Kompare

Work 407 S Schwartz Ave Ste 201 Farmington NM 87401 Internship Same Medical School U of Illinois College of Med;Chicago-1965 Residency Same Work Phone: (505)609-6730 Work Fax: (505)609-6749
Specialties: Internal Medicine

Karen S Koolpe

Work 1640 Hospital Dr Santa Fe Radiology Santa Fe NM 87505 United StatesInternship Scripps Mercy Hsptl, San Diego, CA New Mexico United StatesMedical School U of California School of Med; Davis-1999 New Mexico United StatesResidency U of CA San Diego New Mexico United States Work Phone: (505)983-9350
Specialties: Diagnostic Radiology

Gregory K Koury

Work 10983 Highway 180 West Zia Access Healthcare Silver City NM 88062 Internship Memorial Hsptl of South Bend, Saouth Bend, IN Medical School U of New Mexico SOM; Albuquerque-1989 Residency Same Work Phone: (575)534-4299 Work Fax: (575)538-5651
Specialties: Family Practice

Daniel A Kovnat

Work 455 Saint Michael’s Drive Monte Sol Medical Group Santa Fe NM 87505 Internship U of CA-San Diego Med Ctr, San Diego, CA Medical School Case Western Reserve U SOM; Cleveland; Ohio-1997 Residency Same Work Phone: (505)913-6130 Work Fax: (505)820-5408
Specialties: Internal Medicine

Barry J Krakow

Work 6739 Academy NE Ste 380 Maimonides Sleep Arts & Sciences Albuquerque NM 87109 Medical School U of Maryland School of Med; Baltimore; Maryland-1983 Residency UNM SOM Work Phone: (505)998-7204 Work Fax: (505)988-7220
Specialties: Sleep Medicine

Clarissa S Krinsky

Work 1718 Central Ave SW Suite C Clarifinancial LLC Albuquerque N 87104 Work Phone: 505 554 2329
Specialties: Pathology

Jacqueline A Krohn

Work 3917 West Road Ste#136 Los Alamos Pediatric Clinic Los Alamos NM 87544 Internship AZ HSC, Tucson, AZ Medical School Washington U SOM; St Louis; Missouri-1976 Residency Same Work Phone: (505)662-9620 Work Fax: (505)622-0024
Specialties: Pediatrics

Ronald Kubica

Work 4901 Lang Avenue NE NM Oncology & Hematology Consultants Albuquerque New Mexico 87109 United States Work Phone: 505-842-8171
Specialties: Medical Oncology, Oncology